Monday, April 25, 2016

Ready to go.

The route I will be hiking from Mexico to Canada and my resupply spreadsheet.  Putting all this information up on the wall made assembling resupply packages very simple.  (New Mexico through Colorado is on the right, Wyoming through Montana on the left.)

A trip to Costco, a couple days of counting, measuring, and weighing supplies, and packing everything in boxes has completed the resupply packages that will be shipped to me over the next four and a half months while I am on the trail.

Everything packaged and ready for shipment.  The boxes were left open so items can be added as needed before shipping.

Plane to Texas at 5:30 AM tomorrow and then Amtrak to New Mexico in the afternoon.  One short night to get acclimated to the desert and then off to the trailhead on Wednesday courtesy of the Continental Divide Trail Coalition.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome, looks like you're finally ready! Looking forward to checking in and reading up on your big adventure!! Happy Trails:)
