Thursday, May 5, 2016

Day 5 (5/1) Leaving Lordsburg

Headed out of Lordsburg at 12:45 after having lunch, the rest of the salad from the night before. Chatted a little with Chocolate Chipmunk before heading out, she was leaving later. I saw the four brothers resupplying at the market on my way out of town.

Rough neighborhood, loose dogs and angry locals. Not a hiker friendly area north of the railroad tracks. Wishing I had gone north along the highway and then cross country, but this was a few miles shorter and my feet are sore today.

Made it out of town in one piece. I do not recommend the route to the east of Lordsburg, bad way to start the second leg.

Headed for those mountains, more excruciating pavement walking. I thought it would be a dirt road this far from town.

Finally some dirt to walk on. Cooler today and not much wind, enjoying the trail. More pricklies to avoid.

One last look back at Lordsburg in the distance. Glad to be heading north.

This is a style, it allows hikers to pass through a fence but angled as to prevent livestock from getting through. These are great because I'm tall enough that I can shimmy through them without having to remove my pack. They are very narrow so one has to slide through sideways. Much better than having to remove your pack and risk tearing it and clothing crawling through a barbed wire fence. I had enough of that on Day 3.

Heading in the right direction, mountains getting closer with each step. Water and hopefully a place to camp should be up ahead.

Destination in sight. The windmill marks mile 99.9! Looking forward to watering up and getting some sleep. Met Freebird at the windmill making dinner. Camped near him and got some advice about using toe socks. I guess desert hiking is tough because all the fine sand that gets into your shoes. Lesson learned. 16.4 miles, 6 hours hiking. My InReach odometer reads 103 miles even though I'm at mile ~100. Must be all that off trail exploring...

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